Warriors and Poets

From the artist . . .
"When things shut down in 2020, I suddenly had more time on my hands at home. I decided to start painting again after a long hiatus. Our son, Canney, a truly gifted painter and artist, taught me a technique to cover my acrylic compositions with resin and hardener, creating a glossy finish, allowing the colors to pop out--and vibrant color is what I love most as a painter. I started by painting and resining a picture of St. Francis, and then a picture of a brook trout (two of my favorite subiects) and then decided to paint a series of portraits of justice seekers, poets and visionaries, featuring a quote from each. Becca envisioned the grouping of these paintings as a kind of quilt, covering a wall at the new space for The Center for Contemplative Justice, (CCJ) and so here we are.
-Marcus Hummon